Vibhushayanti- one who is adorned

Lakshmi lives in Hyderabad and along with her husband cooks and cleans at the Sri Uttaradi matha. Her daughter's wedding has been fixed and a Vibhushita volunteer who was visiting at the time, thought it would be a good time to share a couple of saris we have collected. Lakshmi gratefully accepted two silk saris, one for herself and one for her daughter. What better occasion to dress up and enjoy than a wedding in the family!

Thank you Deepa

Thank you for your second generous donation!


Thank you Shaila

Nothing is better than seeing the smiles of Lovely Ladies dressed up for the occasion
— Shaila Babu


Vibhushta provided me an opportunity to give away dresses that I have loved and are still pretty. It gives me great joy to see that someone will use them
— Deepa

Instant acts of Generosity

On hearing about Vibhushita a couple of people spontaneously responded with these beauties

My first contribution

First Ugadi in US with my bundle of joy

First Ugadi in US with my bundle of joy

A dear friend gifted me this beautiful Gadwal sari for my wedding. Gadwal saris come from Telangana state and are well known for their sico weave (silk-cotton) and wide zari border. I love the color combination and I felt royal as I draped this sari. The colors haven't faded even after 15yrs.